Works on Paper
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From a dream: I am running down a dirt road, and I am in the next “color” photo. I see very clearly three young boys hung dead on their front porch. The youngest boy has on a bright blue shirt. In the distance, I see flames. I think the Armenian quarter is on fire. I’m so frightened, I wake up.
After this dream, I did some research. I found out that if any Turks were found to be hiding or helping Armenians, the entire family would be hung in front of their house. Many Armenian quarters were burned. My mother told me my grandmother said all the Armenian Church records were burned.
Handpulled, drawn and printed by Cynthia Motian McGuirl
TITLE: “Three Dead Boys”
DATE: 2006
MEDIUM: Intaglio: hardground, aquatint, chine colle
IMAGE SIZE: 7 3/4” x 9 3/4”
PAPER: Magnani Pescia cream 300gr
Chine colle: Japanese moriki
PAPER SIZE: 11” x 15”
INK: Gamblin Portland Black
Designation Definition
WP Working Proofs: 3
x/x Arabic Numbered: 4
TP Trial Proofs:
II x/x Series #2 Edition:
CTP Color Trial Proofs: 1
AP Artist Proofs: 1
VE Variant Edition: 6
S1 State 1:
S2 State 2: